Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to get your Body Ready to Lose the Pregnancy Weight

by Teresa Brown

All wombs are not created equal and neither are pregnancies.
Whether you have food cravings or aversions, nutrition is
paramount for a healthy pregnancy. Staying within the
recommended boundaries for pregnancy weight gain can lower
your chances of pregnancy problems and increase your ability
to lose the pregnancy weight fast.

A positive or negative pregnancy experience can either be
considered the luck of the draw or our genetic makeup. But
excessive weight gain during pregnancy can be prevented
depending on how active you are and what, when and how much
you eat.

Consuming the essential nutrients is vital throughout
pregnancy. Constantly feeling hungry and satisfying your
hunger by eating anything and everything in your grasp can
put you on the slippery slope to gain more weight than you
should. Don't forget that losing the pregnancy weight is
harder than putting the weight on. Plus the added
disadvantage of having that excess weight can increase your
chances of having health problems such as high blood
pressure or gestational diabetes during your pregnancy.

Pregnancy is about eating for you and your baby. You have
to provide your baby with the necessary nutrients that it
needs to grow and develop properly. The baby's nutrient
requirement is only a measly 300 calories to your daily
amount. Therefore pregnancy is not an justification to eat
in excess but an incentive to maintain healthy eating for
you to quickly lose the pregnancy weight and for a healthy

Snacking on nutritious food is good and you don't need to
obsess about calories during your pregnancy. However, you
can control your food cravings and hence your weight gain by
cooking healthy and eating more natural foods. Keep in
mind, a healthy pregnancy weight will help you to quickly
lose the pregnancy weight after the baby.

Mom, you don't have to starve yourself to avoid a huge
weight gain. But you can manage your hunger pangs and
maintain a healthy pregnancy weight together by policing
what and how much you eat. Remember being healthy now will
make you lose the pregnancy weight more quickly and to get
back into your pre-baby shape.

What better way to combat your food cravings than to eat
several meals every day. By spreading out your meals from
three big ones to six small ones, your diet will be more
nutritionally rich and your tendency to go for the fast
foods will be reduced. Eating more small meals will make
you eat less and get your body more prepared to lose the
pregnancy weight in no time.

Another powerful way to lose pregnancy weight fast is to
exercise throughout your pregnancy. Not all women can do
this but for those who can, it gives you an advantage to
losing the pregnancy weight more quickly after giving birth.
With the approval from your doctor, aim to do between 20 to
30 minutes of fat burning exercise four times a week. From
swimming to yoga, there is an exercise for you. All you
have to do is to treat your body to a regular dose of

Losing the pregancy weight is going to be a lot easier and
faster if you give your body an advantage by eating right
but less and more frequently and doing regular exercise.
This is the smart way to prepare for a healthy Mother and

Teresa Brown is an enthusiastic supporter of women's health
and wellness.

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