Thursday, September 18, 2008

Body Fat Reduction, Why Low-Fat Diets Will Make You Fatter

by Ricardo d Argence

As an individual who desires a lean, attractive and
"fat-free" appearance, you most likely have the idea that
your ultimate dietary goal is to limit your consumption of
fat as much as possible. However, diets that rely on the
radical elimination of fat consumption actually hinder your
fat burning capacity. Allow me to share 5 excellent points

1) Low-fat diets are naturally higher in sugar. When you
limit your fat intake, increased consumption of proteins and
carbohydrates will replace the lost calories.

For many people, this can mean upping their consumption of
fruits, breads, pastas as well as other items that are low
in fat yet very high in sugar. Although your body requires a
certain amount of glucose to fuel its daily tasks, any
excess that isn't needed and cannot be stored in the muscles
for future use will simply be stored as fat.

2) Low-fat diets increase cravings and hunger pangs. Not
only does the dietary fat accumulation offer an extra
"filling" result from the food that you consume, but since
your carbohydrate ingestion is now logically increased, your
blood sugar levels will be higher and insulin production
will be faster. The continual up and down of your blood
sugar adversely affects energy, increases hunger, and causes
your body to store fat at a faster rate.

3) A low fat diet will lower your testosterone. Not only
does testosterone have an important role in burning fat, it
also helps build lean muscle tissue. Diets that focus on
significant reductions in fat consumption also produce a
measurable negative effect on testosterone production.

4) A low fat diet will increase the rate at which your body
stores fat. Human body is more complex than any other
creatures on this planet. When you severely reduce your fat
intake, the body perceives this lack of dietary fat as a
potential threat to its survival since fat is a primary
source of energy. Because of this, the body is programmed to
adjust; meaning it will slow down the fat burning metabolism
(to preserve its current fat stores) and it will increase
the hormones that promote fat storage.

5) It is not good for your health to follow a low fat diet.
Your body quite simply needs dietary fat in order for
regular and healthy functioning. Don't worry about storing
body fat. It is essential to maintaining a healthy body.

Fat itself only becomes an adversary when you eat the wrong
categories of fats and you overdo your fat intake. However,
it must be noted that an excess of any nutrient will lead to
body fat storage.

Saturated fats, such as those found in animal meats and are
solid in temperature should be limited. The majority of your
fats being taken in should be of the healthier, unsaturated
variety. These are typically found in plant sources and are
liquid at room temperature. Most of the fat a person
consumes in one day should be in the form of this good fat,
the benefits of which include fat burning, the building of
muscles, and better health in general.

Of course you can burn that fat, and the whole reason why
you are reading this, is because you know you want to burn
that fat! We have the best diets and
( Fat Loss Systems.
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