Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How Hidden Psychological Trigger Helps You Easily Lose Weight

by Dorthy Weatherbush

You are fat.  Chubby, chunky, husky, robust, rotund, plump,
portly, large, stout, stubby, blubbery, flabby: fat. Look in
the mirror, at your pants size, on the scale.  Perhaps it
crept up on you one fast food lunch at a time.  Maybe you've
always been heavy.  Either way, you've decided; today is
your day.  Your road to skinny starts now.

But how? There are of course the usual answers.  Diet,
exercise, and eating right.  Of course, you respond.  I knew
you were going to say that.  Everyone knows that, it is
obvious.  But really, how?  What diet, which exercise? What
if you don't succeed? Well, you'll just be fat, the way you
are now.

The most difficult part on the highway to weight loss will
not be found in the gym.  Nor will it be found in the sweat
that drips down your face.  Your down turn will come very
slowly.  You will begin enthusiastic and energetic, and then
the wave of doubt will set in.  Or maybe worry, or even time
constraints.  What can you do to handle all of these things?
What is the miracle answer to finally being able to drop
that weight that has been holding you back for so long?  The
answer is simple and easy.  The journey to thing just got a
little easier.

The one most important factor to getting to successful
weight loss is this: figure out why you're doing it.  Why do
you want to lose weight?  Yes, you want to be healthy and
look great, but what is it that truly lights your fire?
Think about is: envision yourself thin.  What is it that you
are doing, where are you going to, what are you wearing?
This is your answer.  Write it down on paper. Flesh it out
until it is exactly the moment you are working toward.

If you want to be healthy, feel attractive, and keep up with
your kids, your why might be "to play tag wearing short
shorts in the park."  Make it as real as it is going to be.
Put it down on paper.  Give yourself ten good whys.  Now you
have them and they are cement. Use these as little reminders
to self that will keep you motivated to keep going on.  Is
it a vacation you are after?

An image of the small seat on European public transportation
will remind you to stay on that treadmill.  A Macy's
clothing catalog in the take out menu drawer will magically
remind you how to make a salad.  Your weight loss journey
and the motivation it takes to be successful are very
personal, but your 'whys' shouldn't be.  Share your 'whys'
with the people closest to you. Telling other about your
goals will give you just one more incentive to do well.

Whatever the 'whys' may be that you choose, your answer lies
inside yourself.  The reasons why you want to lose weight
will be the driving forces behind your journey, and
everything else that you do in your life.  Your 'why' will
wake you up in the morning and drag you to that treadmill,
it will keep you from that drive through line at McDonald's.
Armed with your own personal secret weapon, you can make
your weight loss dream a reality.

This and many other articles on the subject of weight loss
were written by Ms. Dorthy Weatherbush, and expert in the
science and psychology of successful weight loss for women.
She has reviewed the Medifast diet and others and discusses
their effectiveness and more. For more information on
Medifast, visit

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