Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hoodia Patches or Hoodia Diet Pills for Better Results?

by Reagan Miers

As I'm sure you are aware, the companies who market and
promote hoodia patches generally make the bold claim that a
patch works much better than the usual hoodia diet pills.
The theory is that by wearing a patch the hoodia will slowly
work it's way through your skin before passing into your
bloodstream. Giving you a slow, constant supply of hoodia
all day long.

They also state that because the hoodia does not have to
travel through your stomach, a hoodia patch will suppress
your hunger a lot faster than any other capsule or liquid
based supplement.

These theories seem to make sense, however, there is very
little evidence to actually confirm them. To be honest,
there are no clinical trials or experiments into the
effectiveness of hoodia patches. There are very few studies
on hoodia gordonii at all.

The companies who sell hoodia patches often compare them to
other patches with a proven track record, such as nicotine
patches and birth control patches. People know these
products work, so they presume that a hoodia patch will work
just as well. Don't be fooled! There are many differences in
these products.

Both nicotine patches and birth control patches required the
person to have a prescription. This is still the case for
birth control patches, however, nicotine patches have just
become available over the counter without a prescription.
That being the case, it is important to bear in mind that
you have never needed a prescription for a hoodia patch.

Any product that requires a prescription or once did has had
to undergo rigorous testing and be subjected to governmental
regulations before it can be marketed to the public as being
effective. None of the hoodia patches sold today require a
prescription. Doesn't that tell you something?

Hoodia gordonii is a cactus like plant which has been grown
and harvested in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa by the
San tribe for centuries. They use the hoodia plant in order
to control their hunger while out on long hunting

The original way of taking hoodia that the tribe use is to
cut a small section a few inches in length from the plant.
They would then peel the skin, and eat it. This would
deliver all the hoodia needed to suppress their appetite for
several hours. Eating the plant is obviously an effective
method of delivery so which method do you think would be
most effective: taking a pill which contains ground up
hoodia powder, or wearing a patch on the outside of your

So I believe that all the hoodia patches out there are a
waste of time, which may make you think that hoodia
supplement capsules are the best way forward. This is not
true! In fact most studies show that the majority of hoodia
products available today are fakes which contain little to
no hoodia gordonii. There are only a few hoodia diet pills
which do contain genuine hoodia gordonii.

Until there is better regulation and testing you would be
far wiser to spend your money on authentic hoodia diet pills
instead of wasting your money on hoodia patches.

Hoodia patches aren't effective! Learn which
( hoodia diet pills are real
and effective as a weight loss tool and get detailed reviews
and recommendations at HoodiaAndWeightLoss(dot)com.

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