Thursday, January 8, 2009

Can Weight Loss Pills Shed the Fat?

by Deen Dragonovich

In the United States obesity is reaching epidemic levels.
More and more people are turning to weight loss pills in
hopes of shedding those unsightly pounds.  With the New Year
right around the corner, stores will have their shelves well
stocked with weight loss pills in anticipation of the after
holiday rush. But do weight loss pills really work?

Good weight loss pills work to some degree, but not as
significantly as some may think.  When ephedra was
introduced back in the early 90's, many considered it a
miracle pill.  I was one of them. The combination of ephedra
along with aspirin and caffeine, burned fat like no other
compound since.

Unfortunately the side effects far out-weighed its fat
burning power.  There were a few cases where ephedra was
blamed for people dying from heart attacks.  The heart
pounding stimulating affect was difficult for people to
handle and ephedra is no longer available.

Are there any other products that work?

Since ephedra was taken off the market, there really hasn't
been anything that rivals its weight loss power (save for
possibly one).

The most popular weight loss pills today are those
containing Green tea and Hoodia.  Green tea works through a
process called thermogenesis (fat burning), while Hoodia is
claimed to be an appetite suppressant.  Both are said to be
effective at shedding the fat, but nothing like ephedra.

There is however a natural compound that shows great promise
in preventing fructose from converting to fat.

What's the big deal about fructose?

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition believes that
fructose may well be the cause of obesity in America today.
Here's what they had to say:

"evidence that a marked increase in the use of HFCS, and
therefore in total fructose consumption, preceded the
obesity epidemic and may be an important contributor to this
epidemic in the United States."

For the past thirty years fructose has virtually replaced
cane sugar as the sweetener of choice for most manufacturers
because of its low cost to produce.  During this period
there has been a 300% increase in the use of high fructose
corn syrup and a 40% drop in the use of cane sugar.

What is this new natural substance?

This all natural compound is derived from the roots of
Scutellaria baicalensis and Heartwood of Acacia.  There more
common names are Chinese skullcap and "Black catechu".

How does it work?

This natural compound works by substantially decreasing two
key obesity markers in the blood stream. These two obesity
markers are expressed in high levels in the chronically
obese. These compounds have been shown to significantly
decrease both of these obesity markers by inhibiting fat
conversion from fructose pathways and down-regulating fat
accumulation and up-regulating fat breakdown.

A double blind clinical study was conducted by scientists at
JSS Medical Research, Inc., in Montreal, Canada.
Participants were between the ages of 40 and 75. This age
group normally has the most difficult time losing weight.
None of the subjects were given any physical activity or
dietary advice.

The results of the study were eye opening.  Those that were
not given the compound averaged zero pounds of weight loss,
while those given the natural compound lost on average 7% of
their body weight.

One can only imagine their results if they combined a
sensible diet plan with a regular exercise program.

These compounds show a lot of promise and may very well hold
the key to the obesity epidemic, especially for those who
consume a lot of fructose in their diets.  Always check with
your physician before taking any weight loss supplement.

About the author: Deen Dragonovich has over 3 decades in
health and fitness and has studied fructose blockers along
with ( weight loss
pills for many years. He also offers valuable
( weight loss tips with
nutrition and fitness.

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