Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dieting Fundamentals, the Best Way to Begin Your Diet

by Ricardo d Argence

As long as maintain proper dieting and training techniques
through fat burning process. Most experts suggest that you
aim for a weight loss goal of about a pound a week. When
planning your weight loss program you'll see that the best
things in life are truly free.

The first step to weight loss is setting a realistic goal.
To reach your goal safely, plan to lose weight gradually. A
weight loss of one-half to two pounds a week is usually

Then,to burn fat you will need to modify your current diet.
This depends upon trimming the number of calories you
consume by reducing food portions and selecting foods.

Limit portion sizes, especially when foods high in calories
on are the menu. Keep your intake of saturated fat, trans
fat and cholesterol as low as possible. Your best option is
to select foods that offer high concentrations of fiber,
including fruits, vegetables, and other whole grains. You
can feel full and get fewer calories with these foods that
have a high fiber content.

You also need to change lifestyle and not just go on a diet.
It means being more physically active. Speeding down your
metabolism is bad, and this can be caused by not exercising

Most health experts recommend a combination of a
reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity for
weight loss. Exercise does not have to be strenuous to be
beneficial. Some studies show that short sessions of
exercise several times a day are just as effective at
burning calories and improving health as one long session.

To stay at your goal wight after weight loss, most people
need to keep exercising at a moderate to intensive rate for
more than 30 minutes on a daily basis. Almost everybody can
walk and it is an excellent type of physical activity.

If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll
be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of
keeping the weight off. A lifestyle based on healthy eating
and regular physical activity is the best way to lose weight

Take this advice, and you'll see what natural weight loss
dieting is all about. I hope these preparatory tips are
beneficial to you.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Your Caloric Intake and Output

by Carl Juneau

What is the caloric balance? The caloric balance is the
difference between your intake and expenditure of energy.


Your IN
As human beings, we draw our energy from food. The amount of
energy provided by a food is commonly measured in calories
(Cal). For example, a medium size apple contains 72
calories, a glass (250 mL) of 2% fat milk, 128, an egg (50
g), 78, and McDonald's Big Mac, 5632.

The sum of all the food you eat in a day (your intake for
that day) is called the daily caloric intake (DCI). That is,
the more food you eat in a day, the higher your daily
caloric intake is, and vice versa. The average daily intake,
in the US, was 2,618 calories for men and 1,877 calories for
women in the year 1999-2000.

Your OUT
The human body uses the energy gained from consuming food in
two main ways: to
fuel the metabolism when resting and for physical

Resting metabolic rate The resting metabolic rate refers to
the energy your body spends when you're awake but inactive
in a fasted state at room temperature. It is, basically, the
minimum amount of energy it needs to keep your cells alive.
That includes tissue regeneration, regulation of the body's
temperature, breathing, blood circulation and filtering, and
hormonal and nervous activity. These functions are carried
out by your liver, brain, heart, kidneys and muscles; these
organs and tissues stay active, even when you're not. Thus,
even when you're resting, you're spending calories big time.
Actually, you might be surprised to learn that, for most
people, the resting metabolic rate is the largest source of
daily energy expenditure.

Physical activity
Obviously you spend energy whenever you move. From your bed
to the shower in the morning, from home to work or school,
and any other activity. Even when you're sitting or
standing, your muscles expend energy so you can keep
yourself up. The amount of energy you spend that way in a
day will depend on what you do: some people don't need to do
much physical activity like the office worker who
travels by car and some do a lot more physically demanding
labor i.e. a manual worker, or someone
who walks or bikes a lot.

Sport and physical exercise also increase the amount of
energy spent that way by a good margin. For example, a 121
pounds individual would spend roughly 75 calories per hour
when sitting, 200 when shopping and about 450 when walking
at a fast pace. Ultimately, physical activity can account
for between 20 (complete sedentary lifestyle) and 50 %
(athlete) of your daily caloric expense. The bottom line is:
the more physically active you are, the more physical
activity counts toward and increases your daily caloric

Interestingly, exercise affects your OUT in two ways: first,
it raises the energy you use the days you are involved in
physical activities. Second, in the long run and as you
slowly build muscle, it increases your resting metabolic
rate. The fact is that a pound of muscle is a lot more
"active", scientifically, than a pound of fat.

Muscle contracts when you move, since it is used when you
train and constantly rebuilds itself to sustain its daily
effort. As we have seen, energy use can also be calculated
in calories. Your daily caloric expense (DCE) is the sum of
the energy required by your metabolism at rest in a day,
plus the energy used to do physical activity in that same

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Quick and Easy Tips to Eliminate Belly Fat!

by Gail M. Davis

Experts agree that excess belly fat, due to menopause, too
much beer, or overindulging at the dinner table, is
significantly unhealthier than fat stored in other areas of
your body! The most dangerous thing about this abdominal
fat isn't the part that you can grab, but the deep fat
inside that is surrounding your organs. Breast cancer,
heart disease, and diabetes are just three of the many
health concerns attributed to too much belly fat. There are
simple steps that you can take to help eliminate unsightly
belly fat. The process isn't a quick one, but with
diligence and consistency, success can be achieved. We'll
discuss a few of the steps here.

There is no substitute for eating healthy foods in healthy
amounts! Make it a priority to learn about food pyramid
recommendations, nutrition fact labels, and proper portion
sizes. Study this information, commit it to memory, and
practice it on a daily basis.

Another important step would be the elimination of sweets in
general and sweet drinks in particular. Water should be the
main source of hydration and all other drinks, with the
exceptions of skim milk and unsweetened tea, should be saved
for special occasions.

By far the most important step in the elimination of belly
fat is the cardio workout! A minimum of thirty minutes each
day should be spent on an activity that makes you sweat
while huffing and puffing. Jumping rope, biking, swimming
laps, playing basketball, running, and power walking all aid
in the burning of major calories. Weight training and
target exercises are important components also, and should
be a part of the daily regime.

Medical researchers have determined that a fat belly is most
likely to develop in a stressed man of any age, and an older
stressed women. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that
you take steps to eliminate excess stress in your life!
Cortisol is a hormone that the body releases when stressed.
It is believed that this hormone encourages the storage of
fat around the abdominal area and belly. Learn relaxation
techniques, find your inner yogi, or go fishing...but do not

By following these steps, belly fat can be eliminated or
greatly reduced. Patience is imperative as it takes several
months for the body to show off the benefits of a new
program. There are other easy steps that can be taken to
deal with this condition, but these are by far the most
important ones.

Gail M. Davis offers additional steps to help eliminate
( belly
fat on her website. You can learn easy ways to
( eat
healthy as well as find exercise tips, food and activity
logs, healthy recipes, and more.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Out with Junk Food, In with these Calories Loss Foods

by Rowena French

If want to reach a weight loss goal, the power of temptation
about the wrong kind of food is enormous, especially when we
can see or even worse, touch or smell it. So, if you have
surrounded yourself with high calorie, high fat foods for a
long while don't be surprised that you've eaten them and
kept gaining weight. To remove the temptation, and to make
sure that you have the right kind of food to promote a
calories loss in your new eating program, overhaul your
kitchen and get that junk food out.

Flavorings are generally low in calories themselves and add
other flavor-filled dimensions to many low calorie meals, so
make sure that you have a variety of these on hand. Foods
influenced by Asian, Middle Eastern or Hispanic cultures
include wonderful flavorings that make them exciting to eat!
Ingredients such as soya sauce and olive oil, as well as
more commonly used salt, lemon salt and pepper can add taste
to meat, fish dishes while low calories mayonnaise can dress
up salads to make them a delicious accompaniment.

Hot and spicy salsa with tomato, onions and chili is another
popular low calorie sauce that can be serves as a dip or as
part of a salad. On a sweeter note, there are low calorie
jams and spreads available for that time of sweet
indulgence. Toast and jam can be part of a breakfast menu
and when eaten as part of a controlled calorie diet are
suitable foods to enable the calories loss you want in your

Although not necessarily recommended for a large proportion
of your diet, canned foods can substantially add to your
calories loss when they are used to supplement other low cal
foods. Because of their long lasting quality it is good to
have a supply of foods like canned beans for an instant side
vegetable dish, canned tomatoes and tomato paste to make
home made bolognaise sauce, and canned fruit (in its own
juice) for refreshingly delicious dessert. Remember to throw
some canned vegetables into winter casseroles as well.

Canned organic soups and broth are made from the best
ingredients possible and are often the basis of quick, low
calorie meals. Canned foods can also extend to popular tuna
filled with protein and good in a salad or as a cooked meat
dish, hummus a tasty dip made from chickpea as well as
low-fat peanut butter always easy to use and important to
have on hand. Each of these foods can be included in the
easy-to-use category and will contribute to your overall
calories loss.

The cost of fresh fruits and vegetables can be prohibitive
sometimes but whenever you can afford these foods, go ahead
and purchase them. Search out the best store or market where
you can often strike a good deal when buying, especially if
when you purchase foods that are in season and readily
available. Fruit and vegetables are always best fresh in
warmer seasons however they can remain in a calories loss
menu in winter and fall if you search out the best brands of
these foods when they are frozen.

Junk food can take many forms but it is generally high in
calories, salt or fat and does little to satisfy hunger for
long. As available junk food adds to the challenge of weight
loss, the best action to take is to remove it and buy in its
place healthy snacks, all part of a calories loss menu and
enjoyable to eat. Try trail mix, tortilla chips, popcorn or
pretzels along with pita bread dipped in olive oil all with
much fewer calories than salt and vinegar potato chips.

Replacing all your unhealthy junk food will help you
reprogram your own healthy eating patterns and establish
these so that your kids will have them for a lifetime.
Although changing old habits is not always easy and not
having junk food in the house may upset you, stay strong and
don't stop snacking, just eat the healthier alternatives
we've suggested. This is likely to be one of the most
important ways for your calories loss to have a positive
affect on your weight loss, your health and your happiness.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lose weight quickly

by Lyons Ramsey

Will customs take my order?
NO! because we? send it from Victoria in prepaid courier
bags, so you are guaranteed to get your order Aus hoodia has
worked for many of our customers who had given up on doctors
drugs and fad diets, we boast a 89% reorder rate from happy

How can I avoid gaining weight at college?
A change in lifestyle may involve an increased risk for
weight gain. By recognizing unhealthy habits early in your
college career, you can take action to prevent major weight
changes. The American Dietetic Association links college
weight gain to "all-you-can-eat dining facilities, evening
snacks, empty-calorie food choices and recent dieting
experiences." Some guidelines are: Watch the "all you can
eat" syndrome and think about "balance". Look for fewer high
fat entrees and desserts.

Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes?
Obviously, smoking cigarettes is dangerous to your health.
According to various studies on the effects of cigarette
smoking, it is responsible for one out of every five deaths
in the U.S. and is the most addictive and destructive
over-the-counter drug known to man. With all these known
facts on the effects of cigarette smoking one may wonder why
people still smoke cigarettes. The history and culture
surrounding cigarette smoking dates back to before World War
I. ..I don't know of any home products that can rid you of
bad breath. What is known is that people that are fit and
healthy suffer less from bad breath. This could be that
their metabolism is in balance and does not allow the
anaerobic bacteria to get out of hand. People that are
mobile and active have less problems. People that do not go
on high protein fad diets, or protein shakes have less bad
breath problems. People that do not need to take medicines
are better off as they do not get dry mouth.Obviously,
smoking cigarettes is dangerous to your health. According to
various studies on the effects of cigarette smoking, it is
responsible for one out of every five deaths in the U.S. and
is the most addictive and destructive over-the-counter drug
known to man. With all these known facts on the effects of
cigarette smoking one may wonder why people still smoke
cigarettes. The history and culture surrounding cigarette
smoking dates back to before World War I. ..

Do "fad" diets work?
Yes they do.. but not for long. "Fad" diets do work, if
weight-loss is your only concern. As long as you don't mind
the serious and sometimes fatal side effects of some fad
diets, they are fine. We suggest you stick with a healthy,
balanced program such as Healthier for Life.

So, the question is, Why?
While the most popular weight loss diets today are the
so-called fad-diets, the more traditional high fiber diet
does still have a good following. The high fiber weight loss
diet is an easier to follow weight loss system than the more
extreme fad diets such as the Atkins diet or South Beach
diet. More importantly than that, many dieticians and
nutritional consultants favor high fiber diets as they are
generally considered to be a safer option that can have a
positive ..No. Upon completion of our medically supervised
diet, we recommend a diet emphasizing lean protein, fruits
and vegetables and whole grains. We make caloric adjustments
based on their resting metabolic rate and calories burned
with exercise.I’m sure you’ve seen many ads on
the internet and in magazines promising you huge weight loss
in only a few days time. Is this type of weight loss really
possible? Yes - but. ..

Are Fad Diets Any Good For You?
Any diet which makes promises of radical, rapid or quick
weight loss - or any other extreme claim - is almost
guaranteed to be more harmful than helpful.The human body
has evolved over millions of years and decades of good
nutritional research still confirms the common sense truth:
balance is good, moderation is healthy. Healthy eating and
nutrition for the elderly is? greatly impacted by several
factors, one of them being a change in body composition.A
fad diet usually tells you to focus on a single food type
and avoid all others.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How Calories Loss AND Food Fuel Cause Weight Loss

by Rowena French

You have probably heard that if you use a smaller number of
calories than your body needs for fuel through a calories
loss eating program and if you exercise then you will lose
weight. It is true, and this is the only way that you will
ever successfully enjoy a healthy weight loss and keep this
weight off.

Let us say you normally eat about 2,000 calories per day,
which is the recommended amount of calories for an average
weight adult. If you create a calories loss and cut your
daily calories back to 1,500 then your body needs to get
that additional 500 calories of energy from somewhere. It
will get that additional energy by burning energy from the
fat stored in your body.

This steady burning of additional fat does bring about
weight loss unlike popular diets or even diet pills that
promise to do this but can not in a healthy way or across
the long term. Keeping an eye on your calories intake and
the calories you need to burn is an important part of losing
weight. As for example, there are about 3,500 calories in
every pound of fat, you need to burn 17,500 calories to lose
this weight by creating a calories loss little by little
over time.

No pill can ever cause your body to burn that many
additional calories. Only restricting your calories in a
calories loss menu and forcing your body to burn fat for
energy can cause real weight loss. Dieting is about more
than just calories though and you need to maintain a sense
of balance in your eating program to lose weight and remain

If you only eat a salad and drink diet sodas for calories,
you still won't lose weight because you are not giving your
body what it needs to function. Your diet should not be
something that you use to punish yourself or to punish your
body. Your body needs food for fuel.

There is no getting around that fact, so you need to change
what you give your body for fuel and that is where the
common sense part comes in. It is common sense to know that
your body needs whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and
healthy fats. Most of us would agree that some of these
foods are OK but how do we include them in our diet on a
regular basis instead of those high calorie foods we enjoy
the most?

Old eating favourites like deep fried chicken pieces and a
soda are not always easy to replace but if you want to reach
your weight loss goal you will need to eat grilled chicken
breast and an orange juice instead. These are the small but
significant modifications that you can make to your normal
eating patterns that will make all the difference. They
become part of your changing lifestyle and the impact they
have on your overall calories loss will bring about your
weight loss for good.

Choose to make your health a priority, watching your calorie
intake as a guide and instead of punishing your body for
being overweight, celebrate your body and feed it so that
your body gets strong and healthy. A diet that is rich in
whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, hormone free lean
meat, and other ingredients combined with regular exercise
is the best way, and the only way, to get truly fit and to
get your body to the ideal weight.

So, even if your eating and exercise lifestyle changes feel
a little strange at first because they are new and
different, persevere because in time they will seem NORMAL.
The greatest challenge is surviving the time of initial
calories loss. By the time this change becomes part of your
new pattern of living however, your weight loss will have
begun and you will feel confident and wonder how you ever
lived any other way.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Natural Weight Loss Approach

by Ron Cripps

If you eat correctly and keep moving, you have everything
you need to know about how to prevent being overweight using
a natural weight loss program; advice like this is for the
most part ignored. If it were that simple, which it should
be, most slimming companies would be out of business; with
the number of overweight American citizens increasing, this
advice obviously doesn't work. Of course, once you are
overweight, you usually want to trim down for a whole lot of
reasons, some related to health, others having to do with

The hard thing for people to understand is it is easier to
maintain your natural weight than loose extra pounds once
you have put them on. Nevertheless weight maintenance is
something that has to be worked on and planned otherwise we
will put on extra pounds.

For some reason even when dieters who have become used to,
and enjoy, a low calorie diet, they eventually drift back to
old habits and start piling the pounds back on again. You
have the power to take control of your body by eating
properly, and live a healthy life through natural weight
loss dieting and exercise.

Most health experts contend that the significance of excess
weight is more than cosmetic as it takes a huge toll on a
person's physical health. If you think about it, losing
excess weight by natural methods is the most acceptable way
to get rid of those extra pounds but too many people want a
'quick fix' system.

If you are planning to use a natural weight loss approach
then its success will depend on the meals you eat which
should be low in fat, high in fiber, some protein and
carbohydrates. A meal such as this would be something like a
baked potato (complex carbohydrate), the fiber is vegetables
and protein is a lean cut of meat.

Unfortunately, dietary fat contains higher amounts of
calories than ordinary food which when consumed will just be
converted to body fat more readily. Another problem is the
obsession with fat free or low fat foods that food
manufactures are stacking the shelves with which despite
their popularity are not stopping the problem of obesity.

One of the greatest delusions of the 1990s was that no fat
meant non-fattening but the truth is you are often getting
just as many calories from these foods; the calories are
just not coming from fat. This is a trap that many people
fall into and forget it's about eating from the correct food
groups, and if you have to snack make it a small healthy

It is believed in some circles that a natural method of
weight loss is to eat less but more often without actually
missing meals, which can get you into bad habits. When
combined with regular exercise, this natural weight loss
plan offers a way to lose unwanted pounds in the long run.

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The Most Popular Diet Plans, Aren't The Most Effective? True!

by Jessica A. Andersen

You can't turn on the television without seeing an
advertisement for some sort of weight loss program. If they
work, why are there so many of them? The reason is because
all programs do not work for all bodies. If you know your
body and what makes it tick, you can choose from the most
popular and successful plans to give you a boost on your
weight loss journey. Here are just a few of the more popular
weight loss programs to choose from and I've provided links
to some knew very promising diets.

1. Jenny Craig. This one has been in the news quite
frequently of late. Between Kirstie Alley and Valerie
Bertinelli, everyone has heard and seen what Jenny Craig can
do for you. The monthly fee may be twenty dollars, but the
cost of food is what will get you. Still, the program
combines good food provided by the center with salads, low
fat dairy, lots of water, fruits, and exercise. You can
speak with a counselor about your progress when you go for
your weigh-ins.

2. Weight Watchers. The Weight Watchers diet has been one
of the most successful diets in the history of dieting.
What makes it so popular is that no food is off limits. As
long as you do not exceed your daily point limit you can eat
whatever you want. The diet is instructive has great
literature and the teachers provide great information about
what to eat, how to lose weight and not feel hungry.
Exercise while not a large part of this diet or a central
theme is always encouraged. My advice, as you may well
guess, is to develop your own exercise plan and follow it
religiously. Exercise should be made part of your daily
routine. When you do this you will feel better, look better
and feel better.

3. South Beach. This diet gets a lot of attention because
of its advertisement that you will lose up to 13 pounds in
the first two weeks. This is done by eating a very
restricted diet. In fact the first two weeks are the most
restrictive. The basis of the plan, reprogramming the Body
to burn calories more efficiently. The foods that are
initially restricted are slowly added over time to balance
out the diet. The diet really picked up momentum due to the
fact that many different providers make frozen meals, bars,
and breakfast cereal sold thousands of popular grocery

4. Nutrisystem. The Nutrisystem diet centers around the
glycemic index. A rating system for carbohydrates. He carb
is low on this index is one that releases energy and very
slow rate throughout the day. This means that the sugar
levels in the body will remain stable when you eat low
glycemic index carbohydrates. On the other hand, high
glycemic foods are those that cause a surge in blood sugar.
These foods give you a burst of energy but you crash
afterwards. In this diet meals come in ready-made,
prepackaged containers. There is no calorie counting, fat
watching, or carb calculation.

So which diet is for you? All of them work but there is a
cost involved with each of them. let me help you make up
your mind, visit my site and learn even more about these
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Discover Some Exercises And Nutrition For Weight Loss

Part 6

by Florentina Ryan

Part-6- Weight-loss medicines can help many overweight
people lose weight, however only when they are combined with
a low-calorie diet and a regular exercise plan, otherwise it
does not work. Weight loss is all about burning more
calories than you eat, and the best way to do that are the
following: 1*Know the basics of how to lose weight (stick to
the plan) 2*how to exercise for weight lose , (regular
exercise is a must) 3* how to motivate yourself are
essential for creating a program that works for you 4*right
food groups (lean meat, low G.I. carbohydrates, plenty of
fruit and vegetables of different colors and avoiding animal
fat & etc.)

The program is continually changing the foods that you eat
throughout the day and prevents your body from staying in a
"set routine" each day. *The result is that your metabolism
runs at a peak level *and burns off the fat much faster *and
much more efficiently, meaning you lose weight safely and
continuously. *Eating 4-5 meals per day and not the
standard three so, you do not get the constant hunger
pangs that get from other diets.

Walking for weight loss this summer? While lovely views and
scenery and fresh air keeps me motivated, there are a few
curve balls that can ruin and destroy a pleasant walk
.Walking regularly helps you to lose fat as well as build
strong muscles; those muscles will help you burn even more
fat by pushing up your metabolism

Obesity can also affect medical diabetes. Studies show that
being obese or overweight is a leading risk factor for
diabetes, particularly type 2diabetes. Obesity in civilized
countries is reaching epidemic or outbreak proportions. What
is worrying is that the children of today are now more
obese than ever before in the history of man kind!

Obesity is becoming a grave problem as it is being
considered a disease. Wrong eating habits are the main
reason for excessive weight gain. Obesity is a truly complex
health hazards that can affect any individuals irrespective
of how old they and whether they are male or female. It can
be a serious health problem that may in time prove itself
to be a life-threatening disorder and put an individual
suffering from obesity in a high risk for developing cardiac
problems, cholesterol or diabetics.

People on a diet who develop their own social support
systems, personal coping strategies, and physical activity
plans are most certainly to win at losing weight.

Successful weight loss requires life-long weight management,
will power and commitment combined with nutritional weight
loss plans that has a sensible diet and regular exercise.

This ends Part 6 of this 6 Part article series on Weight
Loss. To obtain additional quality information on Weight
Loss please visit, ( You can get a unique content
version of this article from the Uber
Article Directory.

Discover Some Exercises And Nutrition For Weight Loss

Part 5

by Florentina Ryan

Part-5 -You have to consult your doctor for a medical
advice or other professional prior to taking-up a weight
loss diet plan and taking up a new regular exercise
program, but these articles should provide you with unusual
and outstanding ideas, sensible suggestions, needed support
and arousing motivation. Natural weight loss plans of
dieting sensibly and exercising regularly are always
stressed as we do not succeed without a sensible map to

Increase your physical exercise regularly to loss more
weight. If you combine the right diet and regular exercise
in a gradual, steady continual way, you increase the rate of
weight loss without harming your health. Increasing number
of people have become excessively obese or overweight and as
a result health authorities all over the world are very
concern by this trend. The number of people who are
prescribed weight loss pills and taking diet pills has
increased dramatically as a result.

Increase your motivation to eat healthy foods and regular
exercise. Everyone know that dieting is hard to stick to
but, if you are focus, determined and willing to persevere
to achieve your goal and dreams you will get there. Once
your dream is fulfilled you will be happier, feel better,
fitter and healthier, live longer and your family and
friends are proud and happy for you.

Focus on slowly developing good lifelong food and regular
exercise habits. Remember there is no set time frame for
results, you can take each step of the program at your own
pace. Choose a nutritionally balanced plan with enough
calories to keep you from feeling famished

Eat small portions and take in lesser calories than you
expend or consume. Prevent skipping meals in an attempt to
reduce calories. Eat enough to satisfy your hunger. One
orange and one apple will not be enough

Eat your food slow with each mouthful taking 30 seconds.
Pause your eating half way through for 5 minutes. Eat enough
fruit, because fruit contains carbohydrates that are rich in
fiber which gives bulk to the diet and helps to satisfy the
appetite and stimulates bowel movement.Eat plenty of
vegetables because they are necessary for health.They are
rich in vitamins and green leay vegetables are rich in

This concludes part 5 of this 6 part article series on
Weight Loss. For additional great information on Weight Loss
please go to, ( Get a totally unique version of
this article from our
article submission service

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to Fit Grains and Butter into a Calories Loss Diet

by Rowena French

Breads and grains have endured a poor reputation in diet
programs of late but it has been good to see a return to
common sense where weight loss menus again accommodate
servings of these foods. Although too much of these foods
does not assist with a calories loss diet, we can eat some
bread and grain foods and still lose weight. Bread is often
best included in our menu in one sliced open or traditional
closed sandwiches or even as a low calorie snack.

You can throw some cereal on top of your yogurt to add some
fiber and crunch and make a great, fast and healthy
breakfast that has less than 300 calories by using
whole-grain, reduced sugar and bran cereals. You do not need
to buy special low calorie bread as most whole grain bread
has under100 calories per slice. Just remember, if you are
aiming for calories loss, a serving is one slice, not two.

Pita bread containing less than 200 calories is a most
versatile and suitable food to include in many meals like
snack time where it can be an alternative to high calorie
chips. Fresh pita bread with hummus and salad can become a
delicious 'wrap' for lunch. Brown rice with vegetables and a
chicken breast either steamed or stir fried in a wok is a
healthy low calorie dinner at any time of the year.

Oatmeal is a great filling food for breakfast and has lots
of fiber that will help you feel full throughout the day. At
lunch or dinner, eat pasta sparingly, and look for whole
grain pasta, but do keep some around for a quick meal.
Remember to eat more of an accompanying salad than pasta
when you want the benefits of calories loss.

Potato chips are high in calories and should be replaced by
other healthier alternatives like whole grain crackers and
cheese. These, along with rice cakes, one of the best diet
snack foods, can increase your calories loss when they take
the pace of salty, fatty, high calorie chips. If rice cakes
seem too bland, add tasty low calorie toppings.

It is a little bit tricky to keep dairy items on hand
because they expire, but some staple dairy foods should
always be in the refrigerator. Include in your collection,
low calorie margarine, 2% milk, the best to keep on hand and
low calorie cheese that can add plenty of flavor to meals
and yogurt. Yogurts and string cheese are tasty, portable,
healthy snacks and ensure a far greater calories loss than
chips or milkshakes.

Yogurts are fabulous for those following a low calorie diet.
Individually portioned and low in calories, they are sweet,
great sources of calcium and the perfect size for a snack
usually containing less than 200 calories. When the grocery
store has a sale on yogurt, stock up.

Some grain food and dairy food can be frozen and along with
other frozen foods contribute to a calories loss diet across
the length of your weight loss program. Pre cooked and
frozen meals are a fabulous way to provide a meal at work,
especially since you are aware of the calories they contain.
Frozen vegetables can be added to any meal in ways that
provide interest and flavour and frozen fruit in unsweetened
juice is great for a smoothie or a dessert served with low
calorie frozen yogurt.

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weight. Do you need the formula for enduring
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Healthy Dieting the Vegetarian Way

Diet plays a very important role in everyone’s life. There are vegetarian as well as non vegetarian diets available. Often people suffer from the dilemma as to choose which type of diet so as to remain fit and healthy.

To go for a healthy vegetarian diet is no doubt the simplest solution. Not only that in addition, there are several benefits of such diets as well, that is attracting more and more people to go for such diets. Some of the advantages of such diets include low calories, increased nutrition and better health. So if you are planning for having a healthy vegetarian diet, then it is surely the best idea that is going to benefit you your whole life. By putting a person on the regimen that is free of meat products needs some sort of discipline from the person alone. So if you are planning to go for such a diet, then you need not to worry at all, as there is a saying where there is a will there is a way.

If you are trying to go for dieting for the first time you need not worry. Just if you are going to keep even some of the things in mind, then too you are surely going to succeed in your attempt. You can or it is better to say you must consider the different options, when you are going to begin to start the new healthy diet for the first time.

The concept of vegetarianism is associated with various different religions in history, but if we talk about the dietary practice in general, then it is not at all associated to any specific religion or beliefs. All what is required here is commitment for changing your diet. In addition you need to have a strong determination as well as willingness in order to eat vegetarian food successfully. It is nothing new to say that humans are omnivorous i.e. they are in the position to eat both vegetarian as well as non vegetarian diet. Since olden times, they have shown vast change in the eating habits mainly to suit the situation as well as the conditions prevailing. Not a single diet can be termed as a perfect diet for humans as it is ever changing and would keep on changing as well.

There are several dieticians who have suggested that humans are mainly suited to go for a vegetarian plan. They tend to believe that eating of meat leads of accumulation of unwanted or fat that in turn can lead to various problems. This doesn’t means that fat is there only in meat rather several vegetarian diets are also said to be more rich in fat. For example almonds as well as fatty nuts can lead to that much fat, which is not even possible with meat products. Thus if you want to go for a planned vegetarian diet then you need to be clear on the things you should eat as else it’s going to make no difference.

So start leaving some of the meat products now and try shifting slowly towards a vegetarian diet, so as to get success in your attempt with ease.

Lose your Tummy - How to Cure the Diet Quick Fix

by Teresa Brown

One of the contributing causes to the rising obesity
epidemic in the western world is that technology has given
rise to a culture of convenience and inactive lifestyles.
This has a strong influence on what we eat and live and by
what means we will take to lose the tummy. It makes sense
then why we eat fast food and lose the weight with fad
diets, because it's the quick and easy.

For everyone who has been on a diet to lose their tummy,
it's clear that they don't work because you end up going on
another diet in the near future. It's no wonder that in the
US the diet industry is a booming multi billion-dollar
industry. The reality is that managing a healthy lifestyle
and a healthy weight is an on-going activity that requires
patience, unwavering dedication, training and
self-awareness. The sad reality is that most of us don't
take the long and steady road to wellness and opt for the
short road to nowhere.

Unlike a healthy diet that consists of a balanced nutrition
with a variety of foods, the typical diet is grossly skewed
nutritionally because it either restricts or over emphasizes
a particular food or mixture of foods. The following diets
only undermine your ability to lose your tummy because you
usually end up with fleeting results at a cost to your

Anti-Carb Diets

Diets with the "carb is bad" philosophy, such as Sugar
Busters, can make you lose your tummy but it is usually too
rigid and difficult to maintain for the long term.
Carbohydrates are the first source of fuel for your body and
keeping this fuel scarce will only make you tired and

The body needs carbohydrates to function properly. The
carbs we should eat more of are the whole grains, fruits and
vegetables variety and less of the refined starches such a
potatoes, processed breads, pasta and rice. Diets with the
"carb is bad" philosophy can make you lose your tummy but
once you're off the diet, the weight will come back faster
than you lost it.

Non Fat Diets

Eating a low-fat diet to lose your tummy requires that need
to add something else to your diet and in this case it's
carbohydrates. Be wary of foods in the supermarket that
claim to be "low-fat" as they are packed with calories in
the form of sugars and will instead make you gain more

The body needs fat to function. Saturated and trans fats
are to be consumed "sparingly" while monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fats are to be consumed more often.
Different types of fat provide different functions in your
body. For example an extreme low-fat diet would deprive
your body of vitamins E, B12, and of the mineral zinc, all
of which are found in saturated fats. Also, by having very
little fat in your diet will reduce your body's ability to
readily absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and
carotenoids which are required for healthy eyes, skin,
bones, teeth and immune system.

Even though fad diets work for the short term, is it really
worth the time, money, sacrifice and effort only to gain the
weight back and diet again? Most moms who are trying to lose
their tummy need to eat a balanced but calorie reduced diet
combined with increased physical activity. No more, no
less. Just remember to always strive for maintaining health
and wellness and enjoy life.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What Fats to Eat to Burn the Baby Fat

by Teresa Brown

In the realm of weight loss, fat has been given a bad rap
with regards to its value as an essential nutrient for the
body. Alongside the infamous carbohydrate, fat is the other
infamous nutrient that has been targeted as something to
eliminate or avoid by the weight loss industry. The irony
is that both are fundamental nutrients for sustaining a
healthy body. We have to re-educate ourselves on what type
of fats to eat in a balanced diet to burn the baby fat.

Burning the baby fat requires that you lower your overall
fat intake. Unfortunately, in our society the average
person has a high fat diet and this can result in being at
risk for several health problems such as cancer of the
breast, colon and prostate cancer and cardiovascular

The first step to burn the baby fat is to lower the amount
of fat in your diet to a healthy level by choosing to follow
through with making lifestyle changes in how you purchase
and prepare your food. For example, shopping when you are
famished is not a good idea, as you will be more inclined to
make poor food choices and go for the foods high in
saturated fat.

Keeping track of fat content in foods is much easier today
because most food products come with nutrition labels and
ingredients. Because people are becoming more health
conscious consumers, some food companies and fast food
restaurant chains have nutrition brochures.

The recommended percentage of fat in a healthy diet is
between 20 to 35 percent. Within that narrow range less
than 10 percent should be saturated fat (animal products),no
more than one percent should be trans fat (products with
hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats) and only 300mg
should be cholesterol. The majority of your fat intake must
come from monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats (fish oils
and plant oil products such as nuts and olives).

Obviously, your fat content will change from day to day and
thus some meals will have more fat than others. Balancing
the high fat days with the low fat days will keep your fat
intake within the healthy zone. Focus on the whole picture,
and aim at lowering your overall fat intake for weeks and
months and not for each meal or the occassional donut you

Fat is good but only in moderation. Lower your calorie
intake of unhealthy fats especially when you need to burn
the baby fat and maintain your health. A healthy diet is a
balanced diet and that includes having good fats in your
diet. A healthy lifestyle is a combination of eating right,
regular exercise and don't forget to make it fun.

( Lose your tummy and
stop making excuses! Get your body back by breaking your bad
habits and ( lose
the pregnancy weight with a lifestyle change. Teresa Brown
writes about women's health and wellness.

4 Practical Tips to Losing Pregnancy Weight

by Teresa Brown

Truth be told, losing pregnancy weight boils down to mind
over matter. Once you get your mind on board, the struggle
to lose the pregnancy weight will be less of a burden and
more of a part of your existence.

The joy of having a baby and being a new mom can be quickly
overshadowed by, amongst other things, losing the pregnancy
weight. And it doesn't help your self-esteem either to
compare yourself to the Celebrity mom, sister or B.F.F. who
quickly returned into their pre-baby body within a few

What are you going to do about your situation? You can
choose to start living for today by getting on with losing
the pregnancy weight or you can remain stagnant and always
living for tomorrow . Begin your fitness journey by
choosing and doing the exercises that work for you.

1. Become and Stay Physically Active

As long as you have be given clearance from you doctor, you
can start having fun and getting fit by signing up for a
yoga or relaxation class for pregnant women. Low impact
exercises like swimming or walking prepares your body to
quickly lose the baby fat after giving birth. Frequent
workouts will help you in losing the majority of your
pregnancy weight within 2 months or longer depending on your

2. Breastfeeding

As Mother Nature would have it, losing pregnancy weight for
some nursing mothers can happen quickly because
breastfeeding consumes about 500 calories per feeding.
Unfortunately, not all nursing moms experience this benefit
and not all moms breastfeed. The essential thing is to
maintain a well-balanced diet and an exercise program and
you will lose the pregnancy weight in due time.

3. Be Vigilant about Your Pregnancy Weight

Logic tells us that if you consume more calories than you
burn, you will indeed gain weight. Logic also tells us that
when you are pregnant you will gain weight because a baby is
growing in your womb. Common sense tell us that pregnancy
is not the time for no-holds-barred eating. Losing
pregnancy weight in the postpartum months will be made
easier if you maintain a healthy pregnancy weight by eating
the best quality of foods possible.

4. Continuing a Healthy Way of Life

Respect yourself by eating healthy and working out on a
regular basis. There is no better way to losing pregnancy
weight than giving your body the healthy advantage. It's
never too late to start living a healthy lifestyle and
putting your weight issue on the back burner. The great
thing about living a healthy lifestyle is that it can be
passed on to your baby and family and improve your quality
of life.

Being pregnant is a blessing in so many ways. Why let the
opportunity to start living a healthy lifestyle pass you by?
Making nutritious food choices and engaging in some form of
physical activity will make your body's efforts to losing
pregnancy weight happen as fast as a Hollywood mom.

Do you want to (
lose the baby fat to look and feel younger?
( Losing
pregnancy weight for the long term is possible if you choose
to live a healthy lifestyle. Teresa Brown is passionate
about cultivating awareness for women's health and wellness.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Want To Know Some Exercises And Nutrition For Weight Loss?

Part 4

by Florentina Ryan

Part-4 When you decide it's time to start working out, start
slowly and do not get discouraged if you do not achieve your
fitness goals after the first week. Many people make this
mistake. If they push their bodies harder they can lose
more weight in a couple of work outs. This is a very serious
thing and not the right thing to do. You end up with
sprained joints, a sore or bad back and even torn ligaments
if you push your body too much in the first few goes .The
golden rule to be followed ,is you have more chance of
achieving your weight loss or loss the unwanted excess
pounds when you do it slow and steady.

Aerobics are very useful when you are determined to lose the
extra unwanted pounds from your body muscles. It is a kind
of rhythmic exercise that enables or empower you to move
your body following the rhythm of the background music. It
helps in boosting or enhancing your muscular activities and
physical or physiological capacities.

Aerobic exercise can be any cardiovascular exercise that is
sustained or maintained for a long time. This could be 25-
30 minutes of walking, running, in-line skating, even time
on the rowing machine. Aerobic exercise refers or relates to
physical workouts that require oxygen delivery to the
muscles (via the lungs and blood supply) over an long
period of time. Aerobic training is often called "cardio"
exercise because it strengthens the cardiovascular (heart)
and respiratory (lungs) systems.

Swimming is very popular with people who are carrying
excessive weight, pregnant, or suffering from any kind of
injury. Swimming is regarded as one of the best exercises to
lose weight and to build and tone the muscles. All your
major muscles are called into action when you swim.

Walking helps cultivate relationships, makes one forget
worries, and calms the mind. It assists in digestion.
Walking is a good one to start with. We use many muscles
while walking, walking stimulates the brain, and helps the
blood flow evenly throughout the body.

Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts or
training sessions with less soreness - leading to more miles
and more fat worked off on a regular basis. High intensity
walks (extreme degree of strength, force or energy) on
alternate days help condition one's system

Another good weight loss exercise is stationary cycling, it
functions in a similar way as walking, while effecting the
body metabolism rate and fat burning at a faster rate.

If you have this exercise bicycle at your own home, you can
enjoy it while watching movie or listening music.You can do
it in your own free time, while burning some extra calories
from your body.

This concludes Part 4 of this 6 Part article series on
Weight Loss. For more great advice on Weight loss please
visit, ( Grab a totally unique version of
this article from the Uber
Article Directory

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Discover some exercises And Nutrition For Weight Loss

Part 3

by Florentina Ryan

Part-3 Do not skip meals. The worst thing someone can do
while watching their diet is to skip a meal. You are not
aware that the outcome will be just the opposite effect of
what you want to achieve. To avoid this from happening eat
at least four to five regular meals per day. Add good fats
to your diet. Monounsaturated fats have been clinically
proven to help you burn fat, especially in your midsection.

Starting slow is the best way to make changes for the
better. Start losing weight today, and you can feel better
tomorrow. Have you ever questioning yourself why you lose a
lot more pounds during the first week or two of most any
diet plan? In many cases, most of it is water weight and it
is also due to eating less carbohydrates or calories

Restrictive diets leave you feeling hungry, which often
leads to periods of unrestrained or binge eating resulting
in the frustration of yoyo dieting . Feeling hungry will not
only slow your metabolism, but it will also drain your
energy and make you feel tired and cranky. Adding water will
REHYDRATE you and enable the body to burn more fat (as long
as you increase your oxygen intake by doing some form of

Walking, swimming, biking, jogging, calisthenics, and even
yard work can help with working your cardiovascular system.
Adding healthy snacks to your three squares and eating
smaller portions when you sit down to dinner can help you
cut calories without feeling famish

It is important to do regular exercise to stay or keep fit,
but, remember not to make yourself overstressed with it.
Regular exercise, healthy low calorie diet and plenty of
water, sufficient rest and sleep can only make the

When focusing on what exercises suits you to lose weight you
must know which one is best to suit your needs. There are
plenty of weight loss exercises, but the best one you
should choose satisfy two things : *1)one, you will enjoy
doing it and *2) secondly, it must make you sweat to some
extent. You can be creative while choosing your weight loss
exercises. It may be playing with your kids at the back yard
for 30 minutes to an hour per day on a daily basis after
school or go cycling togetherto help you burn extra
calories and loss extra unwanted weight.

This concludes Part 3 of this 6 part article series on
Weight Loss. To obtain additional great information on
Weight Loss please visit,
( Click here to get your own
unique version of this article with free reprint rights.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Exercise And Nutrition For Weight Loss

Part 2

by Florentina Ryan

A woman who want to lose weight fast that skip meals
actually lower their metabolism. That means their body needs
fewer calories and overeating leads to gaining fat faster .
Adding fruits and veggies is another good way to lower fat
intake, as they take up a lot of space in your stomach
without adding too many calories or fat

Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake
up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It's a wonderful way to
start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your
breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all
your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the inside of
your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it
after a glass of water. All the cells in the body requires
water to function properly.

Include in your diet things that contain more water like
tomatoes and watermelons. These food contain 90 to 95% water
so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting
on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds.

Eating slowly is helpful in this regard--you give your body
a chance to recognize that you've had enough to eat. Eating
locally sustainable foods of any kind throws this data down
the toilet. It's like saying wear less cotton, when all
cotton is not farmed or processed the same way.

Your diet should contain 50-55% carbohydrates. Carbohydrates
are a ready source of energy and heat. It is important and
must be included in our diet. 25 to 30% of your diet should
be proteins. Various processes and activities are going on
in our bodies. Things are broken down and being built up
again. It provides energy and heat to the body, but only
when there is an insufficient amount of carbohydrates.

Eat intelligently. The difference between man and beast is,
we are driven by intelligence while beasts are driven by
instinct. Do not just eat something because you feel like
eating,eat only when you are hungry. Ask yourself whether
your body really needs it or not.

Avoid crash diets at all times. Crash diet can help you lose
weight quickly, but most people gain the weight back almost
immediately. Some of these diets are also unhealthy and
dangerous. Crash dieting is not the same as flexible
intermittent fasting, where dieters fast for 2 days each
week and calories are cycled. The weight lost in a crash
diet returns when normal eating resumes.

This ends Part 2 of this article series on Weight Loss. To
obtain additional fantastic advice on Weight Loss please go
to, ( Grab a totally unique version of
this article from the Uber
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