Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast - 5 Bad Habits to Quit

by Teresa Brown

A mother's life is so focused on her family that she has a
tendency to "let herself go" resulting in a mom with a
weight problem. The inability to lose pregnancy weight fast
is strongly correlated with how you deal with food and the
kind of lifestyle you live. The following reasons are some
of the most common obstacles that prevent women from losing
the excess body fat and keeping it off.

1. Making Poor Food Choices

If the majority of the food you buy from the grocery store
is packaged in a box or can, then you need to make some
serious changes. Most processed foods are high in fat, sugar
and salt and low in vitamins and minerals because these
foods are changed from their organic state for reasons of
safety, longer shelf life and convenience. Processed foods
are bad for your health and can be a roadblock to lose your
pregnancy weight fast.

Not all processed foods are bad. Frozen fruit or vegetables
are good because they still retain their nutrients. As a
general rule, shop mainly around the perimeter of the
grocery store because that's where the fresh produce and
meats are. When buying processed foods remember to read the
ingredients and product labels to know the salt, fat, and
sugar content in the products.

2. Super Size Me

Fast food is addictive. The convenience of fast food is an
easy meal solution for moms on the go. But due to the high
in saturated fat, sugar, salt content, these foods are just
empty calories. Eating too much fast food will increase
your size and is a definite self-sabotage to losing the
pregnancy weight fast.

You don't have to spend hours in the kitchen to eat healthy
meals. Organization and planning ahead are two useful skills
to have when running a busy household. This will allow you
to be able to cook and eat at home. You can discover the
many healthy and tasty recipes by buying a health cook book
or surfing the Internet for free recipes.

3. Bad Eating Habits

Do you eat during the wrong times of the day? Some moms are
so preoccupied with looking after the baby, running errands,
and so on that they forget to eat until the end of their
day. Not fueling your body properly and frequently will
affect your metabolism's normal rate of activity and prevent
you from losing your pregnancy weight fast. Skipping meals
such as breakfast or eating just one big meal for the day
only serves to make your body conserve energy instead of
burning it.

A lethargic metabolism burns less fat making it difficult to
lose pregnancy weight fast. Eating five to six smaller
healthy meals throughout your day will keep your metabolism
humming and you'll burn more calories.

4. Emotional Eating

Do you eat and drink empty calories while watching your
favorite TV show? We all have foods that soothe us when we
are depressed, stressed or bored. Unfortunately, these
comfort foods and are high in fats, salt, sugar and often
times cholesterol.

Remove the temptation to eat junk food by not buying them.
Why not buy healthy snacks instead? Emotional eaters can
seek the appropriate help to learn how to conquer their urge
to medicate themselves with food. Every little change and
effort counts when you want to lose pregnancy weight fast.

5. Lack of Exercise

A busy mom's life maybe fast paced, but if she's not losing
the pregnancy weight fast, it's because she's not getting
enough exercise. Driving around town doing errands, picking
up after your toddler and looking after a household can keep
you busy but not burning the baby fat.

If you want to lose pregnancy weight fast, you have to do
some form of daily exercise that elevates your heart rate
for at least 30 minutes. Going for a brisk walk, every day
rain or shine, will keep the pounds off and you healthy.
Make fitness a family affair and plan a Saturday afternoon
to go roller balding or playing Frisbee at the park. The
choices are endless when it comes to fitness activities.
So have fun and in time exercise will be a normal part of
your daily lifestyle.

Take responsibility for your health by being an informed
consumer. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole
grains and lean meats. Exercise daily with and without your
family. Life is what you make it, so take charge to live
healthy and make it fun.

( Lose your tummy and
stop procrastinating! Get your body back by breaking your
bad habits and (
lose the pregnancy weight with a lifestyle change. Teresa
Brown writes about women's health and wellness.

The Weight Loss Tips And "Keep It Off Part-4

by Florentina Ryan

Part-4 How Much Do I Have To Exercise To Loss Weight? We
surely lose weight if we burn more calories than we take
in.. The normal maintenance activities such as muscle
repair, regular physiology and walking or cycling uses 15
calories every pound. One who does not work or move much
during the day might only need 12- 13 calories every pound
and one who moves all day might use 17 calories per pound.

Every mile walked or run burns 100 calories or may be less,
every half hour of brisk activity burns around 300 calories,
and it depends on how much you weigh and how vigorous the
activity is.

If the activity is raise by 500 calories everyday and do not
vary or change your food intake, you will lose 3500 calories
every week, the equivalent is one pound. If you reduce your
intake by 250 calories per day and increase your activity by
250 calories, then the net loss is still 500 calories per
day or 1 pound per week

Start to add activity slowly, use the stairs instead of
using the elevator or park your car at the far end of the
parking lot and walk to the shop or to work or play with
the kids at the backyard in the afternoon. Go dancing, fast
dancing is fun and get rid of stress. Swimming is a great
activity especially when the weather is warm.. You will lose
weight and have more energy for more activities.

In order to keep-up and maintain your weight after weight
loss, experts recommend that you do 60 to 90 minutes of
regular daily moderate-intensity physical activity while
pursuing to eat nutritious foods that do not over exceed
your calorie requirements. Studies show that physical
activity is very important to successful long-term weight

People may need to do different amounts of physical activity
to lose and control weight. You may find that you need to do
more, or that you may not need to do as much. Also, remember
that your eating plan and the number of calories you eat are
important. You may wish to speak with your health care
provider, a fitness specialist, or a dietitian about the
right amount of activity and calories for you.

Strength training of minimum 30 minutes of
moderate-intensity physical activity everyday is suggested
for fat loss. Strength training helps in burning burn extra
calories, build strong muscles and bones, and joints and
enhance your physical function. The experts recommends
strength training 2 to 3 days every week, with one day of
rest between workouts to maintain your muscle mass.. Hire a
personal trainer who can plan a program to help you work out
safely and effectively if you are new to the exercise. He
can help you reach and achieve your physical activity
goals faster.

This ends part 4 of this 4 part article series on 'Weight
Loss Tips'. To get more great information on Fat Loss please
visit, ( or

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Part-3 The Weight Loss Tips And "Keep It Off

by Florentina Ryan

Part-3 Eat slowly and loss weight : Several thin people take
a long time to consume their food. One method that can help
take off excess pounds is to eat slowly. The explanation
given is because from the time you begin eating it takes the
brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness.
Fast eaters usually eat beyond their true level of fullness
prior to the 20 minute signal had a chance to set in. Slow
down, take smaller bites, and enjoy your food!

Weight loss by eating less fat: Restricting high fat foods
in the diet can be helpful with weight loss. Fats is pack in
9 calories per gram compared to only 4 calories per gram
from proteins or carbohydrates. Avoiding fried foods, rich
dressings, take away foods and junk foods and eating at home
instead of eating out is the most sensible way if you want
to loss weight. Eat less calories than your body uses and
you will loss the unwanted weight.

Drinks for losing weight: Removing soda out of your diet
completely can save the average person 360 calories or more
each day. Even diet soda, fruit juices, and whole milk can
add unnecessary calories to your daily intake. Drink lots of
water and switch from whole to skim or even soy milk instead
.The little things can make a big difference.

Weight loss = healthy diet :Moving around, getting up,
exercising will lessen the amount of food that you will need
to cut back on. There are many opportunities to be athletic
and active (i.e. the gym, going for a jog, walk, cycling and
etc.) to raise your activity level. You can walk to the
shop, swim, walk around the block and down the stairs many
times before you take a bath or shower or prior to going to
work. You can walk for 20-30 minutes before you go to bed at
night to increase your activity as well.

Gradual changes are best for losing weight: Ease into your
diet gradually. Bear in mind that small changes are easier
to stick with than drastic ones. Start by leaving a little
extra on your plate, or drinking water instead of soda or
fizzy drinks. Smaller changes are more likely to remain with
you when the duration of your diet is complete. Stick to
your behavior-change goals ,you will be able to maintain
over years, not just weeks.

Do not overeat!Once you are full, stop eating.To eat slowly
is helpful you give your body a chance to recognize that
you've had enough to eat. Bear in mind that it takes a while
for the nutrients in your food to enter your bloodstream,
and circulate to the nerve centers in your brain that
regulate the appetite.

Avoid certain foods when dieting People need to eat fats to
be healthy, make sure that you are eating them in
moderation. Try to balance out a fatty food you ate earlier
in the day by eating celery sticks over chips for snack. Try
to get yourself to think, I know I CAN have it, but should I
have it!

Successful weight loss: Be in it for the long term ! Crash
diets, unsustainable exercise routines will not keep you at
your desired weight for the long term. Focus on realistic,
achievable goals such as,regular exercise and a well
balanced diet that you can live with for years to come. Eat
less calories than you burn and you will loss weight!

This ends part 3 of this 4 part article series on "Weight
Loss Tips'. To obtain a Free ebook on 'Fat Loss' please go
to, (

Part-2 The Best Weight Loss Loss Tips And " Keep It Off

by Florentina Ryan

great predictor for your success in losing weight.if you
have to succeed at a long term weight loss and weight loss
maintenance. For exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you
must strive for at least a minimum of 30 minute sessions,
5-7 days per week.Select an exercise that you know you are
going to stick to and something that you enjoy doing
everyday.Invite a friend or a family member who have the
same interest like you and have fun together.

Keep a record for triggers that prevent weight loss: Keeping
a food diary can be helpful and effective in weight
loss.Remember to record what you have eaten, each day AS IT
IS IMPORTANT.The level of hunger before eating must be
recorded .Feelings and emotions that is present at the
time. Provide a large amount of self-awareness on what you
eat,how often do you need a meal. Emotions and behaviors
that trigger overeating must be identified .Record portion
sizes,(( large, medium small ) Diary help you discover your
food triggers and assists you identify where you may be able
to make healthful changes .Provides benefit of focusing on
and committing to your goals .Start keeping a food diary by
recording all your daily meals, any changes and etc.

Focused to stay healthy rather than being slimmer: People
become more successful in the long term weight loss when
they change their motivation from longing to be slimmer
than wanting to be healthier. Change your attitude and
mindset about choosing food oroups that will help your
body's health in the long run.

Find out why you overeat! Usually overeating is caused by
stress, boredom, loneliness, anger, and other emotions.
Learn how to deal with emotions without food is a
significant skill that will serve long term weight control.
Study showed that those who participated in the program,
demonstrated a better rate of long term weight loss and
maintenance than those who diet and exercise and do not
address behavioral and emotional issues.

Join a weight group management who support weight loss . A
key in the long term weight control comes from receiving
motivation and support from others. Find out if there are
groups such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig that offer and
conduct programs and resources in your areas. Find out in
your local hospital if their registered nutritionist
conducts group weight loss programs.

Weight loss eat small meals frequently: Be mindful of the
amounts of food you eat at a sitting when eating out in a
restaurant Divide your food in half and ask for a take home
bag when necessary or possible Learn to pay attention to
your level of hunger and make sure to stop eating as
soon as you feel comfortably full, not stuffed.

Lose weight slowly and make small changes! Fat loss can be
best achieved when we lost weight slowly. According to
study no more than 1-2 pounds per week weight loss is
believed to be safe. One pound of weight is equivalent to
3500 calories .A small changes made and eliminating 250
calories daily from food and consuming 250 calories daily
from exercise, you can lose one pound (of mostly fat) every

This concludes Part 2 of this 4 part article series on
'Weight Loss Tips'. To get a Free ebook on Fat Loss please
go to, ( Click here to get your own
unique version of this article with free reprint rights.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Are You Embarrassed by Your Body? Eat The Right Fat Burning Foods

by John Hartie

Most people when they realise that they are overweight and
not doing to well in the health department choose one of the
mainstream diets ,what they don't realise is that its big
business to these diet gurus and they don't really care
whether you are healthy or not.Losing weight the healthy way
and keeping it off is a lot easier than you think by
creating your own diet with these fat burning foods you will
ensure you and your family are eating well,these fat burning
foods are a lot tastier than these commercialized and
mainstream diets changing your eating habits and
incorporating these foods into your diet will have a
wonderful effect on your life and your families.

So what do fat burning foods consist of? All fat burning
foods are all natural. This means that a variety of fruits,
vegetables, meats, seafood and herbs are all included on
this large list of fat burning foods. Also, many people
give up on their diet because the food becomes repetitive
and bland. Using fat burning foods in your diet, means that
you will never encounter this problem. There are over one
hundred different types of fat burning foods that you can
eat and create wonderful fat burning foods that are unique
and scrumptious.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day if you skip
it you are not giving your body the right start to the day
eating fruit in the morning like a grapefruit or a fruit
salad consisting of
and peaches will insure your body is getting the nourishment
that it needs ,this may not fill you up ,well you can add
oatmeal mixed with fruit or a whole wheat and grain cereal
mixed with all the fat burning fruits that i mentioned
before,as you can see there is a whole variety of foods that
you can use.

You can swap different foods around for dinner and lunch if
you have a meat for lunch then you may want a lighter food
for dinner such as seafood and salad an excellent choice of
seafood would be Chilean Sea Bass, Crab, Cod, abalone,
flounder, oysters, bass, catfish, mussels, trout, turtle,
clams, frog legs, tuna, lobster shrimp, clams and the list
goes on. You can see that there are so many fat burning
foods to choose from and no excuse really to be going to the
local fast food shop.

A Lot of diets may make you feel deprived, but by adding the
right fat burning foods to your diet you are able to eat
healthily while burning losing weight . This will keep you
on the diet and eventually you will just eat this way
insuring that you keep the weight off and stay healthy,by
adding some herbs to your food you actually speed up the
weight loss process these herbs are chervil,garlic and
celeriac,garlic is a well know herb and is great for fat
burning and is also delicious,also a great tip is to saute
your fat burning foods in a mix of
onions,leeks,chives,shallots and scallions this will give
you food even more flavour.

To your Health John Hartie

About The Author John Hartie Specializes in Helping People
In the Field Of (http://
fat burning foods ,He Teaches Genuine people How to lose
Weight And have The Body They have Aways Dreamed Of ,To Get
Instant Access To His free Resources And Reports Which He
Has used To Help 1000s of people
(http:// Take a Look Now.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Goal Setting Secrets to Avoid Sabotaging a Calories Loss

by Rowena French

One of the most common mistakes that people make when it
comes to weight loss is setting unrealistic expectations
about how much weight they need to lose and how fast they
can lose it. Setting unrealistic weight goals is really
sabotaging your calories loss diet and your efforts to lose
weight. That is why it is important to have some tools you
can use to set realistic weight loss goals for yourself.

The rate of weight loss is considered by doctors and others
in this field to be approximately 1-2 pounds each week.
These may not seem much but it is sufficient for your body
to accommodate your weight loss and remain healthy and it is
also enough to continue to lose weight over an extended
period of time. Aiming for a weight loss greater than this
will see you needing to make drastic cuts to your calories
loss diet that may not be sustained and may also see you
quitting your quest for a slimmer, healthier body and life.

Lower your expectations because losing one to two pounds per
week is healthy and if you weigh yourself at the end of the
week and you have only lost one or two pounds, do not
consider that a failure because it is not. Congratulate
yourself on sticking to your calories loss diet, losing that
weight and focus on losing another one to two pounds the
next week. If you celebrate each pound lost you will be
motivated to keep losing weight and you will be losing
weight in a healthy way with far greater prospects of
keeping it off.

Think in percentages, not pounds as weight loss is not just
about losing a set amount of weight. If you want to get
down to a healthy weight and stay there you should focus on
losing 10-20% of your whole body weight, not just the amount
of pounds you want to lose. You may be surprised about the
amount of weight you need to lose for a doctor to consider
you healthy so if you weigh 200 pounds, losing just 20-40
pounds could put in a healthy weight range.

Include more than one form of weight loss measurement to see
all aspects of your weight loss as your body changes shape.
You can see evidence of your weight loss as this is measured
on your scales but measurement of the size of your chest,
stomach and hips is another effective way to confirm the
re-shaping of your body. Including more than one way of
measuring your weight loss means that you can remain
encouraged when one slows down because the other is likely
to continue to reflect your progress.

Include the number game in your weight loss goals to lose
weight safely, healthily and to keep it off permanently with
a recommended weight loss of 1-2 pounds each week, so that
to lose 20 pounds will take you around 10 weeks. Determining
a weight loss per week may seem constraining but if this
weight loss rate is realistic you will be able to reach it
and it will help you remain committed to your calories loss
eating plan and your exercise routine. The journey towards
permanent weight loss and good health is a reflection of the
hare and the tortoise story where the slow and steady hare
reached his ultimate goal!

To reach your 1-2 pound weight loss goal each week you need
to reduce your daily calorie intake each day by around 500.
To gauge this, use a calories counter and this will enable
you to calculate a balanced menu that includes a range of
foods from each of the major food groups. To lose weight the
numbers need to stack up so knowing how many calories you
consume and how many you use are the central numbers around
which you should plan your calories loss menu and your

Set short term goals, but think of long term goals so set
weight loss milestones and celebrate when you reach them.
Buy yourself a new book when you lose 5 pounds, or a new
dress when you hit 10 pounds lost. But even as you are
celebrating each milestone, keep focused on the big picture
and how much weight you want to lose in total. You need to
celebrate your progress along the way but also stay focused
on the big prize at the end because this will make your
persistence to bring about a consistent calories loss worth
the effort.

Rowena French creates achievable goals for her weight loss
and exercise routines. Tired of dieting without success?
Need to reach your ( weight loss
goals? My free gifts explain how how

Monday, November 3, 2008

Can We Do anything About Childhood Obesity Or Is It Too late

by Elizabeth Akers

Childhood obesity epidemic can be blamed partly on the
popularity of fast food establishments. The up-size
mentality has taken its toll on children who naturally will
go for grubs that are bigger and excessive. But while the
nutritional needs of children are increasingly being
neglected by busy parents, the rapid advancement in
entertainment gadgets also play a big role in preventing the
kids from doing exercise or any amount of simple physical
activity for that matter. This can all translate to the fact
that many children today eat more calories than they can
spend. So putting two and two together, you can easily
figure out that the environment which the children of today
grow up in is a big factor in bringing about obesity.

Childhood obesity epidemic is a reality in the United States
and many other parts of the globe. As a matter of fact, more
than twenty percent of American children are considered to
be obese and this figure is steadily on the rise. Obesity is
basically defined as a condition where the body accumulates
excessive amounts of fat. To know if your child is indeed
obese, you can consult with your doctor or a dietician.

Childhood obesity epidemic can be blamed partly on the
popularity of fast food establishments. The up-size
mentality has taken its toll on children who naturally will
go for grubs that are bigger and excessive. But while the
nutritional needs of children are increasingly being
neglected by busy parents, the rapid advancement in
entertainment gadgets also play a big role in preventing the
kids from doing exercise or any amount of simple physical
activity for that matter. This can all translate to the fact
that many children today eat more calories than they can
spend. So putting two and two together, you can easily
figure out that the environment which the children of today
grow up in is a big factor in bringing about obesity.

The childhood obesity epidemic can present big problems not
just for the young ones but for their parents as well.
Obesity is among the top causes of deadly diseases like
diabetes and hypertension. This condition can also trigger
coronary heart ailments and premature arthritis or joint
pains. More than all this, obese children may also suffer
from low self-esteem and other psycho-social disorders.
Needless to say, lack of self confidence can always lead to
slower performance in school, sports and even later on in

The good news is that childhood obesity epidemic is not
something that's irreversible. Today, there are many
treatment programs that specifically address the needs of
obese children. Government and private health organizations
are also helping in minimizing, if not eliminating obesity
risk factors. However, treatment of obesity may take a long
time. Experts believe that a child will require an average
of at least eighteen months of treatment for every twenty
percent excess body fat. In other words, getting back to
one's ideal weight will be a hard and slow process.
Nevertheless, there is hope. If you do not want your child
to become a part of the obesity statistics, you can deal
with excess weight as early as now. For more information
please visit: