Tuesday, March 9, 2010

5 CardioVascular Workouts To Burn Belly Fat

By Dewey Barlow

One of the best methods to burn off belly fat and get a 6
pack flat stomach is to do cardiovascular exercise routines.
But not all cardio is the same. Some exercise programs are
better at burning fat fast than others. The better your
workouts, the faster you'll get lean and firm.

So, which are the best belly fat burning cardio workouts? In
my mind, it is the following :

1. Running - My all time favorite. Running is a brilliant
way to burn fat from all over your body as it's radical and
incorporates all the major muscle groups.Confirm to run at
changing speeds to really push your body to the limit of its
endurance. This will permit you to make the best of your
workout time.

2. Rowing - The reason why I love rowing is that it's a
strength workout and a cardiovascular workout. This gives
you a double benefit : you are adding muscle tissue which
helps to burn calories faster, and you're shedding fat with
the cardio stimulation you are getting. You will also tone
your arms in the process which is always a great thing.

3. Walking - Walking isn't as in depth as running, but
it's's a good cardio workout to burn belly fat if you make
certain to do it properly. Attempt to walk fast, walk at an
incline, consider walking with ankle weights or dumbbells to
add to the intensity.

4. Kickboxing - My coordination isn't great so I do not do
well at these classes, except for those who dislike same
pace cardio, this is an excellent way to get your complete
body into shape and to burn some stomach fat in the middle.
You will not even feel the time go by in these classes. They
always end too shortly.

5. Basketball - I adore this sport because it incorporates
lots of jumping. When you jump, your body is always pushed
to the limit. Also, basketball is an excellent team sport
and a large amount of fun. For most people, ball games are
lot more interesting cardiovascular exercise programs. If
you play a good game, you may burn a lot of calories and
also have plenty of fun in the midst.

If you want detailed action plan of that blueprint guiding
you everyway to
get six pack abs, go here
how to get abs.

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